Category Archives: Suggested Reading
Suggested Reading: Toxic Metals & Chelation
By Jane M. Hightower, MD
“A very thorough book on how mercury contributes to chronic illness and, unless your doctor is aware of it, may be misdiagnosed. A must read for anyone eating fish regularly.”
Uninformed Consent The Hidden Dangers in Dental Care
By Hal A Huggin, DDS, MS and Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
“This book was originally published in 1999, but its information is still pertinent today for anyone with a history of ‘silver’ dental fillings.”
The Age of Autism
By Dan Olmstead and Mark Blaxill
“This book is an interesting read about the historical use of mercury to ‘cure’ disease, but instead has created serious neurological diseases.”
Suggested Reading: Toxic Beauty
Remember: if a product lists fragrance as an ingredient, put if back on the shelf!
Toxic Beauty How Cosmetics and Personal Care Products Endanger Your Health… And What you Can Do About It.
By Samuel S. Epstein, MD
“This book informs us why it is important to choose our personal care products with as much consciousness as the foods we choose. Unfortunately, the personal care products industry (shampoo, cosmetics, soap, etc.).”
Not Just a Pretty Face The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry
By Stacy Malkan
“This pivotal book by one of the leaders in the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics details why its imperative to be cautious and educated about the products we use for ourselves, our families, and our future babies.”
Suggested Reading: Food & Diet
By Dr. Jonn Matsen, ND
“This book and its newer food guide details how eating poorly affects your health and how to eat consciously and healthy. Dr. Matsen does a great job of explaining the link between intestinal health and whole body health. It is full of cartoon drawings, which help make its points. Everything you sort of know about eating, but with excellent explanations.”
50 Ways to soothe yourself without food
By Susan Albers, Psy. D.
“If you use food to deal with stress, consider this book. Although many of us turn to comfort foods during times of stress, these foods may actually make our body’s more stressed out and add to disease. Dr. Albers provides alternative stress reducing techniques to help you reduce your dependence on food and may even help improve your health overall.”
Fats that Heal Fats that Kill
Udo Erasmus
“This book, although copyrighted originally in 1986, is still pertinent today. It details why using safe fats is important to our health and why other fats are unhealthy.”
Healing with Whole Foods Oriental Traditions and Modern Nutrition
By Paul Pitchford
“A nice primer on choosing foods for seasons and your constitution. For those with a desire to eat based on chinese medicine paradigms.”
Live Right for Your Type
By Peter D’Adamo and Catherine Whitney
“Dr. D’Adamo has done extensive research on how the antigens responsible for our blood types also influence how we interact with the external environment. By eating foods and choosing exercises most beneficial for your blood type, you may improve your overall well being.”
The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods
By Michael Murray, ND, Joseph Pizzorno, ND, and Lara Pizzorno, MA, LMT
“An excellent nutritional guide to beneficial foods. The book details why these foods are beneficial, how to store them, and how to prepare them.”
The World’s Healthiest Foods, Essential Guide for the Healthiest Way of Eating
By George Mateljan
“This amazing resource provides wonderful pictures, cooking tips, recipes and explanations of the health benefits of easily obtained foods. You can also subscribe to Mr. Mateljan’s daily recipe emails at“
Suggested Reading: Diabetes
By Richard K. Bernstein, MD
“This book is a must read for any diabetic, type 1 or type 2. Dr. Bernstein’s program of maintaining normal blood sugars is a reasonable approach to diabetes using diet, exercise and nutrients. As a type I diabetic without the usual side effects of diabetes, Dr. Bernstein is a living example of properly managed diabetes.”
The complete Book of Food Counts
By Corinne Netzer
A great resource for anyone needing to count carbohydrates (and protein, fat, fiber, sodium). For diabetics, it is important to know how much carbohydrate one eats in a day. This easy to use book helps you with this and is small enough to put in a handbag.
Suggested Reading: Cleansing the Body & Home
By Dr. Marianne Marchese
“Dr. Marchese does a wonderful job explaining why its important to avoid and remove toxic substances and how these substances contribute to hormone imbalances. She provides easy to follow directions and how find internet resources as you start a cleansing process.”
Clean, Green, and Lean: Get Rid of the Toxins That Make You Fat
By Walter Crinnion
“Learn why everyday toxins are related to weight gain and how to get rid of them. Dr. Walter Crinnion is a master of environmental medicine and cleansing. This book is a compilation scientific understanding of why become toxic and what to do about it.”
Cleanse Your Body, Clear Your Mind Eliminate Environmental Toxins to Lose Weight, Increase Energy, and Reverse Illness in 30 Days or Less
By Jeffrey A. Morrison, MD
“Another great book detailing the why and how of removing toxins and allergens from the body. ”
How to Grow Fresh Air 50 Houseplants that Purify Your Home or Office
By Dr. B.C. Wolverton
“A fun book detailing how plants you may already own may be reducing the toxins in your living and working environments. Given that indoor air pollution is usually more toxic than outdoor air pollution, here’s another reason to choose living plants over plastic ones! The book helps you choose the best plant for your space and gives details on how to grow them.”
Suggested Reading: Childhood
By Kenneth Bock, MD and Cameron Stauth
“This book details why these four childhood diseases are related, what parents can do to start finding causes of inflammation, how changing diet and providing specific nutrients may help reduce symptoms, and why reducing the toxic load of children is imperative. It is required reading for any parent of an autistic child.”
Chemical-Free Kids How to Safeguard Your Child’s Diet and Environment
By Allan Magaziner, DO and Linda Bonview, and Anthony Zolezzi
“This book guides you to making safer, less toxic choices for you and your family.”
Slow Death by Rubber Duck The Secrete Danger of Everyday Things
By Rick Smith and Bruce Lourie
“Just in case you are not convinced of the toxic effects of everyday products, this book may help convince you to be a savvy consumer.”
The Age of Autism
By Dan Olmstead and Mark Blaxill
“This book is an interesting read about the historical use of mercury to ‘cure’ disease, but instead has created serious neurological diseases.”