First 3 Steps for Sucessful Weight Loss
Women, specifically postmenopausal women, are strongly targeted by the weight loss industry. Ads are everywhere highlighting the secrets to weight loss success.
However, these marketing efforts forget the first 3 steps.
Step 1. One has to be ready to do the work.
As women, we are judged by our looks from day 1. We are primed to always want to look great, but given the workload of raising children, working, and organizing life in general, being ready for one more thing can seem overwhelming.
A weight loss program is work, both mentally and emotionally. One needs to ready to learn a new way of eating and living while letting go of negative self talk and emotional reactions to body image.
The first step in any weight loss program is being ready to do the work. If you are in the middle of moving your residence, changing jobs, divorce, wedding planning, or other major life change, it may not be the time to embark on a serious weight loss program.
However, if you are mentally and emotionally ready to tackle a dietary change, then check out the next steps.
Step 2. Get your hormone house in order.
There are numerous hormones that govern our ability to burn or store fat. Many people assume thyroid hormone imbalance is the main reason for weight gain.
When life has been stressful over a long period of time, some of us loose our ability to generate sufficient cortisol, and become what I diagnose as “pooped out,” (technically thought of as adrenal insufficiency).
A lesser-known hormone is cortisol, a stress hormone secreted by the adrenal glands.
If thyroid and cortisol rhythms malfunction, weight gain, brain fog, belly fat production, sleeplessness, anxiety, and an inability to calmly react to even small amounts of stress may occur.
If thyroid support is provided WITHOUT addressing cortisol production, increased fatigue and weight gain can occur. It is important to assess and address BOTH cortisol and thyroid dysfunction.
It is also important to understand that nutritional deficiencies can lead to reduced cortisol and thyroid function. Without proper nutrition, these hormones are not properly produced in the body.
A natural decline in other hormones such as testosterone and DHEA may also contribute weight gain. These muscle/bone building hormones are important in their own way, and can be assessed along with thyroid and cortisol levels.
Step 3. Accept that a weight loss program is not a one-time process.
The effort you put in to lose weight is worthy of the lifestyle changes that will keep the weight off. After you achieve your weight loss goal, certain lifestyle factors will help to maintain the weight loss. In other words, see Step 1 – be ready for long-term lifestyle changes.
Idaho Naturopathic Medicine’s weight loss program provides the support you need to achieve your goals.
- A comprehensive intake visit to review your goals, current and past health issues.
- A diet plan to get you to your target weight.
- Protein powder specifically designed for weight loss.
- Weekly weight and measurement visits.
- Hormone testing if needed: cortisol, thyroid, and if needed, estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, DHEA.
- Professional level supplements as needed.