Avoiding Covid means reducing physical exposure to the virus. Other articles explore the Immune Strengthening Strategies to reduce getting sick once exposed to the virus.
3 main strategies have been shown to help reduce Covid exposure.
Avoiding Exposure to the virus. Avoid crowds and unmasked individuals. Creating pods of friends who maintain good virus avoiding strategies.
Block the virus from getting into your sinuses and lungs. This includes a physical barrier over the ports of entry. A mask covering your nose (port of entry into your sinuses) and mouth (port of entry into your lungs) can greatly reduce virus particles from entering your body. N95 masks or equivalent type of masks are significantly helpful to reduce viral exposure.
Cleaning the Air that may contain virus particles. A HEPA or ULPA HEPA air filter can trap viral particles.
HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air. HEPA will trap 99.97% of particles
0.3 microns and larger in diameter.
ULPA HEPA, (Ultra Low Particulate Air) will trap 99.99% of particles 0.12 microns and larger.
- The SARS CoV2 virus is approximately 1 micron in size.
- Both HEPA and ULPA HEPA filters are good at removing small particles like viruses. Most viruses are carried on larger particles like vapor and will be stuck to the filter. Electrostatic charge can also reduce viral loads in the environment.
- A word on ozone emitting filters. Ozone can inflame the respiratory tract. Avoid ozone emitting devices due to possible damage to the lungs. (Medically prescribed ozone is used in a different mechanism than that generated by air filters.)
- A HEPA or ULPA HEPA air filter is also very handy during poor air quality days, such produced by fire smoke.