Bones are in a constant state of flux, varying between building and breaking down, allowing for healthy growth. The bone building process is dominant until around age 30, when the breaking down process starts to dominate. For some, the bone loss process is significant enough that fractures occur.
6 ways to reduce bone loss.
- Vitamin D. Vitamin D helps us absorb the calcium needed to build bone structure. The best way to determine how much Vitamin D one needs is through a simple blood test. For most people, the desired range is 60 mg/dl. For some people with anxiety, this level is too high and must be evaluated on an individual basis. If supplementation is suggested by blood testing, a re-test 6 weeks after regular supplementation is suggested to ensure the supplementation was successful.
- Bone Nutrients. Besides calcium, the bone needs magnesium vitamin K, boron, copper, zinc, boron, methylated folate and B6. A good multivitamin or bone density formula should provide these nutrients. Dr. Rodgers suggests a quality multivitamin and Osteopblend by Vitancia for her patients. These can be found on her on-line dispensary.
- Healthy fats. Diets high in polyunstaturated fats (such as omega 3’s found in vegetable and deep water fish oils) help improve bone formation. Alternatively, diets high in saturated fats (those found in animal products) reduce bone density.
- Complex carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables provide the fiber that breaks down into organic acids that then provide the right pH for calcium absorption. Alternatively, diets high in simple sugars (i.e., candy, sugary drinks, etc) enhance bone breakdown.
- Exercise. Bone remodeling occurs when stress is applied to the bones. This occurs with using our bodies. Traditional wisdom includes suggesting weight-bearing exercise such as lifting weights, walking, running, and skipping rope.
- Osteostrong. Located in East Boise, OsteoStrong provides structured weight bearing exercise that can be completed in about 20 minutes once weekly to improve bone health or reduce bone loss. These exercises can be done by most people and may be especially helpful for those who are not able to maintain balance while walking/running, or skipping rope. The program is based on a study that showed significant improvement in bone density utilizing these exercises on participants that were not using bone building drugs. To learn more, contact Osteostrong. Phone: 208-331-4072, email: You can learn more about Osteostrong on Facebook