Category Archives: Covid-19

Why is Vitamin D so important in combating COVID-19?

The answer lies in Vitamin D’s hormone effects. Vitamin D is labeled a vitamin, but most of its properties reside in its hormonal affect. I affectionally call Vitamin D a “Vitamone” because it acts as both a vitamin and a hormone.

As a hormone, Vitamin D is most known for helping to build strong bones.  It is less recognized for its immune signaling affects.  When activated, the Vitamin D receptor signals the immune system and induces anti-viral responses including reducing viral replication, reducing viral penetration of cells, and signaling the immune system to kill infected cells.[1]  

Regarding the current COVID pandemic, Vitamin D may be a crucial nutrient to reduce hospitalization and mortality. When Vitamin D levels are low, COVID-19 has a better chance to trigger an inflammatory cascade, causing significant illness. Studies are now finding that COVID patients with low Vitamin D levels have higher risk of needing intense hospital care,[2] and Vitamin D supplementation may reduce mortality in COVID-19 patients admitted to hospital.[3] ,[4], [5] 

COVID-19 poses further risk for a subset of the infected population that may clear the virus but continue to have symptoms. Post-COVID syndrome, also known Long-COVID, may present with symptoms such as fatigue, headache, lower attention, hair loss, shortness of breath, loss of taste/smell, chest pain, cough, sleep disruption, and joint pain[6] lasting more than 3 weeks following an initial infection.  Long-COVID syndrome may occur in for both vaccinated and non-vaccinated infected individuals.

Some researchers theorize that Long-COVID may be due to the re-emergence of past viral infections, such as Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) and Epstein-Barr virus. [7], [8] With its important role in combating other viruses (Epstein-Barr, Influenza (H1N1), Hepatitis C, Rota, and Dengue), [9], [10], [11], [12] Vitamin D may be an important component in preventing or treating Long-COVID.

Thus, maintaining healthy levels of Vitamin D may reduce the severity of a COVID-19 infection while also reducing the chance of triggering the onset Post-COVID syndrome.

So, what to do:

  1. Testing for Vitamin D levels is important.

In my experience, supplementation and sun exposure do not always correlate with actual Vitamin D levels.  Laboratory blood testing is really the only way to know your Vitamin D levels.

I suggest the following Vitamin D testing schedule.

  • Test both 25(OH) Vitamin D and 1,25(OH)2D3
  • Test in the late Summer/Early Fall to determine how well activities in the summer support your Vitamin D levels.
  • Test in Winter to ensure healthy levels during the period of lowest sunlight exposure and highest viral infection risk.

Always make a note next to your test results about level of sun exposure and the Vitamin D dose/product you had for the previous month. This will help you determine and remember what works and doesn’t work to maintain healthy Vitamin D levels.

  • Supplementation

I usually suggest 1,000-5,000 IU (25-250 mcg) daily, based on individual patient needs. If you are not currently a patient of Dr. Rodgers, please ask your medical provider about your Vitamin D dosage needs.

Dose is based on your blood work results:

  • Vitamin D insufficiency is defined as blood levels <30 ng/dL. However, this level may be insufficient to protect one against the inflammatory storm. Conventional physicians may suggest blood levels between 30-50 ng/dL.  As a naturopath, I was taught to achieve blood levels between 60-80 ng/dL. 
  • As a vitamin, Vitamin D helps to make Dopamine, which breaks down into epinephrine and norepinephrine (types of adrenalin). For some people who can’t breakdown adrenalin appropriately, too much Vitamin D may result in anxiety. For those patients whose anxiety worsens with Vitamin D supplementation, I suggest maintaining blood levels ~30 ng/dL.
  • It is important to remember that ingesting too much Vitamin D may cause calcium levels to rise too much (hypercalcemia) and deposit in tissues, including the kidney (i.e., kidney stones).  Some studies have found this risk to be low,[13] but other studies suggest trends of hypercalcemia occurs at doses ? 2,800 IU/day, but without any adverse events.[14] 

If you test low, please supplement safely and re-test 6 weeks after starting supplementation to ensure you have achieved healthy levels.

Types of Vitamin D supplements

Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) is the preferred form of Vitamin D, but if one has liver failure or severe intestinal malabsorption syndrome, Calcifediol (25-hydroxyvitamin D3) may be more appropriate.[15]  Calcifediol is a prescription medication and not available as nutritional supplement.


  1. Maintaining healthy Vitamin D levels may significantly reduce COVID-19 induced inflammatory storms.
  2. Vitamin D may reduce the re-emergence of other viruses, including those responsible for Epstein-Barr syndrome or cancers.
  3. Testing one’s Vitamin D blood levels is the best way to determine if Vitamin D supplementation is optimal or needs adjusting.

[1] Xu Y, Baylink DJ, Chen CS, et al. The importance of vitamin d metabolism as a potential prophylactic, immunoregulatory and neuroprotective treatment for COVID-19. J Transl Med. 2020;18(1):322. Published 2020 Aug 26. doi:10.1186/s12967-020-02488-5

[2] Diaz-Curiel M, Cabello A, Arboiro-Pinel R, et al. The relationship between 25(OH) vitamin D levels and COVID-19 onset and disease course in Spanish patients. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2021;212:105928. doi:10.1016/j.jsbmb.2021.105928

[3] Nogues X, Ovejero D, Pineda-Moncusí M, et al. Calcifediol Treatment and COVID-19-Related Outcomes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2021;106(10):e4017-e4027. doi:10.1210/clinem/dgab405

[4] Entrenas Castillo M, Entrenas Costa LM, Vaquero Barrios JM, et al. “Effect of calcifediol treatment and best available therapy versus best available therapy on intensive care unit admission and mortality among patients hospitalized for COVID-19: A pilot randomized clinical study”. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2020;203:105751. doi:10.1016/j.jsbmb.2020.105751

[5] Nogues X, Ovejero D, Pineda-Moncusí M, et al. Calcifediol Treatment and COVID-19-Related Outcomes. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2021;106(10):e4017-e4027. doi:10.1210/clinem/dgab405

[6] Lopez-Leon S, Wegman-Ostrosky T, Perelman C, et al. More than 50 long-term effects of COVID-19: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Sci Rep. 2021;11(1):16144. Published 2021 Aug 9. doi:10.1038/s41598-021-95565-8

[7] Chen J, Dai L, Barrett L, et al. SARS-CoV-2 proteins and anti-COVID-19 drugs induce lytic reactivation of an oncogenic virus. Commun Biol. 2021;4(1):682. Published 2021 Jun 3. doi:10.1038/s42003-021-02220-z

[8] Lehner GF, Klein SJ, Zoller H, Peer A, Bellmann R, Joannidis M. Correlation of interleukin-6 with Epstein-Barr virus levels in COVID-19. Crit Care. 2020;24(1):657. Published 2020 Nov 23. doi:10.1186/s13054-020-03384-6

[9] Brütting C, Stangl GI, Staege MS. Vitamin D, Epstein-Barr virus, and endogenous retroviruses in multiple sclerosis – facts and hypotheses. J Integr Neurosci. 2021;20(1):233-238. doi:10.31083/j.jin.2021.01.392

[10] Villar LM, Del Campo JA, Ranchal I, Lampe E, Romero-Gomez M. Association between vitamin D and hepatitis C virus infection: a meta-analysis. World J Gastroenterol. 2013;19(35):5917-5924. doi:10.3748/wjg.v19.i35.5917

[11] Dissanayake S, Tennekoon S, Gaffoor S, Liyanage G. Vitamin D Deficiency in Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever and Dengue Shock Syndrome among Sri Lankan Children: A Case-Control Study. J Trop Med. 2021;2021:4173303. Published 2021 Oct 14. doi:10.1155/2021/4173303

[12] Suares A, Tapia C, González-Pardo V. VDR agonists down regulate PI3K/Akt/mTOR axis and trigger autophagy in Kaposi’s sarcoma cells. Heliyon. 2019;5(8):e02367. Published 2019 Aug 27. doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2019.e02367

[13] Ganji MR, Shafii Z, Hakemi MS. Vitamin D Supplementation and Risk of Hypercalciuria in Stone Formers. Iran J Kidney Dis. 2019;13(1):27-31.

[14] Malihi Z, Lawes CMM, Wu Z, et al. Monthly high-dose vitamin D supplementation does not increase kidney stone risk or serum calcium: results from a randomized controlled trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2019;109(6):1578-1587. doi:10.1093/ajcn/nqy378

[15] Sosa Henríquez M, Gómez de Tejada Romero MJ. Cholecalciferol or Calcifediol in the Management of Vitamin D Deficiency. Nutrients. 2020;12(6):1617. Published 2020 May 31. doi:10.3390/nu12061617

Avoiding Covid: Strategies to Reduce Exposure to the SARS CoV2 (Covid-19) virus and variants.

Avoiding Covid means reducing physical exposure to the virus.   Other articles explore the Immune Strengthening Strategies to reduce getting sick once exposed to the virus.

3 main strategies have been shown to help reduce Covid exposure.

Avoiding Exposure to the virus.  Avoid crowds and unmasked individuals. Creating pods of friends who maintain good virus avoiding strategies.

Block the virus from getting into your sinuses and lungs. This includes a physical barrier over the ports of entry. A mask covering your nose (port of entry into your sinuses) and mouth (port of entry into your lungs) can greatly reduce virus particles from entering your body.  N95 masks or equivalent type of masks are significantly helpful to reduce viral exposure.

Cleaning the Air that may contain virus particles. A HEPA or ULPA HEPA air filter can trap viral particles.

HEPA stands for High Efficiency Particulate Air. HEPA will trap 99.97% of particles
0.3 microns and larger in diameter.

ULPA HEPA, (Ultra Low Particulate Air) will trap 99.99% of particles 0.12 microns and larger.

  • The SARS CoV2 virus is approximately 1 micron in size.  
  • Both HEPA and ULPA HEPA filters are good at removing small particles like viruses. Most viruses are carried on larger particles like vapor and will be stuck to the filter.  Electrostatic charge can also reduce viral loads in the environment.
  • A word on ozone emitting filters. Ozone can inflame the respiratory tract.  Avoid ozone emitting devices due to possible damage to the lungs.  (Medically prescribed ozone is used in a different mechanism than that generated by air filters.)  
  • A HEPA or ULPA HEPA air filter is also very handy during poor air quality days, such produced by fire smoke.

Antibody Super Boost

(Please note: This is a highly simplified explanation of one part of the complex immune system.)

Antibodies are one part of our adaptive immunity and are formed to combat specific pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria, or parasites, including the Covid-19 virus. 

Antibody Creation

When exposed to a pathogen, the adaptive immune system starts figuring out what the pathogen is and makes an antibody to that specific pathogen.  These antibodies reduce the ability of a pathogen to function and present the pathogen to other immune cells that further inactivate or kill the pathogen.

For example, every time you get the flu or a cold, your body makes antibodies for that specific virus. Children get more colds than adults because they are being exposed to these viruses for the first time. Over time, the child builds a “library” of antibodies that they use to respond to pathogens quickly if re-exposed. Most adults have a large library of antibodies that reduce their risk of getting ill again.

The reason we have a cold for 7-10 days is because it takes time to mount a full immune response. It is hard to speed this process up.  Supplements, herbs, and a low inflammatory diet may reduce the severity of a disease, but the time it takes for the body to react to a virus is similar for everyone.  If one has the antibody to a virus in the library, the body may resolve the infection before a full immune response is needed.  

Covid-19: A Sneaky Genius

The sneaky genius of Covid-19 is two fold:

  1. The word ‘Novel’ when describing the Novel Corona Virus refers to its debut to the world’s population. As humans, we are all like children in that we are experiencing this Corona virus for the first time. Our immune reactions are like that of children: new.
  2. Covid-19 has an ability to inhibit the initial innate immune response, increasing significant inflammation, and potentially slowing or stopping the communication needed to build antibodies[i],[ii],[iii],[iv].  If you’ve had Covid-19, you created antibodies to the virus, but slowly.  

Out-Sneak Covid-19:   Use an Antibody Super Booster

The vaccines developed following Covid-19 epidemic allow the body to create antibodies before an infection occurs.  The vaccines have the blueprints from mRNA to help a cell manufacture a portion of the virus’ spike protein that is then presented to the immune system. (These mRNA blueprints do NOT integrate into your DNA and are destroyed by the body after 72 hours). The adaptive immune system does not know that this spike protein is not a real threat, it only knows that is it a foreign object and must be responded to.  Anti-covid-19 spike protein antibodies are then manufactured and are ready to quickly deploy the next time a spike protein enters the body, i.e., as the full virus.

The vaccination process allows the body to start fighting a Covid-19 infection from the moment of infection, compared to a delayed and inflammatory response if unvaccinated.

Type of Response to CovidInitial Antibody CreationCovid virus affect
Natural Response / UnvaccinatedSlowly – Antibodies need to be made from scratchCovid-19 suppresses immune response, increasing inflammation and slowing down antibody creation
Vaccinated ResponseQuickly – already in LibraryReduced – the antibodies are already in the library, ready to attack the virus.

Some vaccinated people may still get a Covid-19 infection, but their pre-manufactured antibodies allow them a fighting chance to clear the virus before the virus has a chance to rapidly grow and cause debilitating disease or death.

People who had an Covid-19 infection may benefit from vaccination as well but may only need one vaccination injection. [v],[vi]

Some may argue that the mRNA vaccines are not natural. An alternative argument is that these vaccines stimulate your strongest tools to super boost your natural adaptive immunity before you get exposed to this potentially deadly virus.  

Besides the Covid-19 vaccines, it is important to support your innate immunity by:

  • Eating an anti-inflammatory diet (reduce/avoid sugar, alcohol, and foods you know cause inflammation). Click here[vii] for more information.
  • Supplement your immune system. Click here[viii] for more information.
  • Develop and maintain healthy sleep habits. Click here[ix] for more information.
  • Exercise daily to the level of your capability.
  • Find ways to laugh and relax daily. Click here[x] for information on tools to help reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Avoid toxins in your daily life such as fragrance, chemical cleaners, or pesticides that may damage your immune system. Click here[xi] for more information.
  • Identify and avoid food sensitivities. Click here[xii] for more information.

If you are struggling with any of these issues, please seek care with your naturopathic physician who is trained to help you find balance.

[i] Azkur AK, Akdis M, Azkur D, et al. Immune response to SARS-CoV-2 and mechanisms of immunopathological changes in COVID-19. Allergy. 2020;75(7):1564-1581. doi:10.1111/all.14364

[iii] Chowdhury MA, Hossain N, Kashem MA, Shahid MA, Alam A. Immune response in COVID-19: A review. J Infect Public Health. 2020;13(11):1619-1629. doi:10.1016/j.jiph.2020.07.001



[vi] Ebinger JE, Fert-Bober J, Printsev I, et al. Antibody responses to the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine in individuals previously infected with SARS-CoV-2. Nat Med. 2021;27(6):981-984. doi:10.1038/s41591-021-01325-6







Covid corner: Answering questions about Ivermectin and the vaccines.

There is a lot of misinformation in the news stream about Covid-19 treatments and vaccines. A recent podcast by The Natural Medicine Journal provides science-based answers about:

  • Ivermectin, a proposed alternative treatment/vaccine.
  • Do vaccinated people shed the virus?
  • Do people who had Covid-19 need to get vaccinated?
  • Bonus question not covered by the podcast: Do vaccines become part of our DNA?

Here is the summary of the discussion.

Ivermectin: a vaccine alternative or viral preventative? Answer: Not really for either.

Ivermectin is a prescription drug traditionally used to treat parasitic infections. There is some evidence that this drug reduces viral penetration into cells and some practitioners have been prescribing it as a treatment or vaccine alternative. Unfortunately, this drug has not shown significant effectiveness in preventing Covid-19 or reducing the spread of the virus. The studies showing some effectiveness indicated that the drug only lessened the disease duration by 2 days. This may be helpful, but the side effects including rash, eye pain and visual changes, mental status changes, balance disruption, gastrointestinal disruption, fever, and swelling in hands and feet could occur with each dose.  Because the virus continues to exist in the community, unvaccinated individuals desiring to take Ivermectin would need to take this drug regularly.

In my medical opinion, the risk factors for taking this drug are too high and benefits too low to consider this drug for treatment or prevention of Covid-19.  There are low cost, viable, and non-toxic prevention measures available to most people including social distancing and using mouth and nose guards (ie, masks) to reduce viral penetration into respiratory cells. Vaccination is also low risk for most people, requires minimal use, and has proven effective. 

Do the approved vaccines shed the virus?  NO.

The Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson vaccines do not shed virus.  This is due to the fact that the vaccines do not form complete virus nor do they have the mechanism to shed thru the respiratory tract or gastrointestinal track.

Furthermore, once the vaccine is used by the cells, it can not reproduce to create more vaccine.

I’ve had Covid-19 and recovered. Should I get vaccinated? YES, especially if over the age of 65.

Those with past infections of Covid-19 may benefit from vaccination.  An immune system may build some immunity against Covid-19 after infection, but it may not be strong enough in some people to prevent another infection.  It is difficult to know who has high or low immunity following a Covid-19 infection. The reason for a potential low immune response is because the virus is good at blunting an initial immune response as a way to give itself time to replicate before the immune system activates.  The good news is that people with a history of Covid-19 infection may only need one vaccine injection due to the immense immune response after 1 dose of vaccine.

Bonus topic, not discussed in the podcast:

Do the vaccines integrate themselves into my DNA?  Answer: NO.

The Pfizer, Moderna, or Johnson & Johnson ( J&J ) vaccines do NOT change your DNA.  

To help understand how they work, think of the following analogy.

  1. Creating immune antibodies is like ordering a manufactured product (without having to go to Amazon).
  2. You first have to send an order to a manufacturing plant with the blueprint instructions to build your product. The vaccines are the manufacturing blueprints to build a small part of the virus. For Pfizer and Moderna, the blueprints are mRNA embedded in a fat base.  For the J&J vaccine, the blueprints are DNA embedded in a deactivated adenovirus.
  3. These blueprints are NOT sent into our DNA but are interpreted by the protein-building systems of the cell.  
    1. mRNA vaccines go directly to the manufacturing machines.
    1. DNA vaccines have to be converted into mRNA which is then sent to the manufacturing machines.
  4. Once protein-building systems of the cell interpret the mRNA blueprints to build a part of the virus’ spike protein, the finished product, a spike protein remnant, is then released from the cell where the immune system can take a look at it.
  5. When the immune system sees this incomplete spike protein, the immune system then creates an immunoglobulin, an immune protein, which is then put in the immune “library” to be remembered when needed. Later, if you are exposed to the entire virus, the immune system activates when it recognizes the part of the  virus that looks like your manufactured product (the spike protein remnant). The immune system can then easily eradicate the virus before it embeds into your respiratory cells.
  6. This process explains why the vaccine does not shed. Once this process is complete and the cells have used all the vaccine mRNA or DNA to make the spike protein remnant, the cells can not make more spike protein remnant. The body is ready, however, to make more immune protein when presented with the virus and provide you with immunity.

Will you get Vaccinated?

The Covid Vaccine is finally here. Click HERE for Idaho and HERE for Oregon to determine if you are eligible for the vaccine now.

Recently, I’ve been answering questions about the vaccine and if people should get vaccinated.

First, let me reveal that I decided to get vaccinated. The first shot was painless, but my arm did hurt for a day. I suffered no other side effects.

The biggest benefit of these vaccines is the head start they give our immune systems to combat the virus before symptoms arise. The two FDA approved vaccines (Moderna and Pfizer) have 94-95% effectiveness after 2 doses are provided. This means that, in clinical trials, vaccinated individuals had 95% less risk than control group participants of developing symptoms or being tested positive for the virus. The Johnson and Johnson vaccine is also currently FDA approved; it has 66% effectiveness after one dose.

Importantly, no participants in any of the 3 vaccine vaccinated groups needed to be hospitalized or died from Covid-19 after the vaccine took full affect. Even one dose of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccines showed protectiveness against serious illness 6-7 weeks after one dose. Read an article about these vaccines HERE.

Because the Covid-19 virus is here to stay, including with new variants, we will need to remain vigilant and compliant about social distancing and wearing masks, even after being vaccinated. Another reason to stay vigilant about masking is that current vaccinations have not been tested on children and infection rates are climbing in the pediatric population.

In my assessment, vaccination is probably one of the major tools that will allow us to reduce chronic illness, hospitalization, and death from Covid-19.

Who should NOT get the vaccine: Anyone who has significant reactions to the ingredients, specifically polyethylene glycol. One other nice thing about the vaccine is that, unlike many traditional vaccines, it is NOT grown on eggs. To read more about the currently approved vaccines, please read my article HERE.

For more fun, a February 20, 2021 New York Times interactive article provides some insight on when we may get to herd immunity and reduce mortality, depending on vaccination rates and preventative measures. See article HERE. Be sure to play with the interactive tabs!

Covid-19 Vaccines

The National Institute of Health Vaccine Research Center has been working on a vaccine since the beginning of the epidemic. Read HERE to learn more about the vaccination development history.

These new RNA vaccines are different from traditional vaccines in that our own cellular machinery is used to produce the antigen (Covid’s spike protein) that your immune system can then respond to. After getting the vaccine, most people will have mild flu-like symptoms as they manufacture antibodies in response to the new antigen. They then will have the antibodies pre-made if exposed to the actual virus.

This excellent VIDEO answers a lot of the questions about the new vaccines.

A concerning issue with the Covid-19 vaccines is the risk of anaphylactic reaction. The new vaccines have relatively few ingredients, but do contain lipids and polyethylene glycol which may be the source of allergic reactions. See below for Moderna and Pfizer Covid Vaccine Ingredients.

If you have a history of allergy of anaphylaxis, these vaccines may not be a good choice. Additionally, health officials suggest waiting 15-20 minutes at the vaccination location center after obtaining a vaccine in case you have an adverse reaction.

There are a lot of unanswered questions about these vaccines. One unknown is if a vaccinated individual can transmit the virus to someone else. Because researchers are currently unable to answer this question, the use of a face mask continues to be suggested for everyone, regardless of vaccination history. Bummer.

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine ingredient list:

  • mRNA
  • Lipids including:
    • (4-hydroxybutyl)azanediyl)bis(hexane-6,1-diyl)bis(2-hexyldecanoate)
    • 2 [(polyethylene glycol)-2000]-N,N-ditetradecylacetamide
    • 1,2-Distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine
    • cholesterol
  • potassium chloride
  • monobasic potassium phosphate
  • sodium chloride
  • dibasic sodium phosphate dihydrate
  • sucrose

The Moderna Covid-19 vaccine ingredient list.

  • mRNA
  • Lipids
    • SM-102
    • polyethylene glycol [PEG] 2000 dimyristoyl glycerol [DMG]
    • cholesterol
    • 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine [DSPC])
  • tromethamine
  • tromethamine hydrochloride
  • acetic acid
  • sodium acetate
  • sucrose

Covid update: Chronic Covid Syndrome

[Please note, it is illegal for practitioners to provide product suggestions in public articles. Oregon and Idaho residents desiring individualized suggestions to support the immune system, can sign up for a time to consult Dr. Rodgers at]

The term “Long Haulers” is being used to describe patients who were infected by Covid-19 (SARS CoV-2), but never completely recovered. For many of these patients, they may not feel better for up to 5 months after initially infected.

No one yet understands why some people recover from the acute phase of a Covid-19 infection in 1-2 weeks, but others end up with chronic issues affecting multiple organs including the brain. Symptoms of Chronic Covid Syndrome (CCS), are significant.  Click HERE to see a list of CSS symptoms [1],[2]

 These symptoms may vary daily, making it hard to diagnose.

Some theories for the cause of Chronic Covid Syndrome include the level of initial infectious viral load, insufficient immune response that does not eradicate the virus completely, the presences of certain human histocompatibility antigens (HLA), low grade inflammation, and cellular degeneration.[3]  Other theories include re-triggering of underlying co-infections, chronic mycotoxin (mold) or toxic metal burdens, or NEW exposures to mold, metals, pathogens, or other toxins after a Covid-19 infection.[4],[5],[6],[7]

Until we completely understand how some people develop long term symptoms from Covid-19, here are some suggestions to support your immune system and reduce the risk of Chronic Covid Syndrome.

Prevention: Prevent yourself from getting sick: wear a mask and wash your hands. Wear a mask over both nose and mouth when in public or in the presence of someone not of your household. You may love them, but you do not know if they are unwittingly carrying the virus. Wash your hands after being in public or handling anything not from your household.

Improve your immune system. Nutrients such as Vitamin C, Zinc, and Vitamin D have been shown to support a healthy response to viral infection.[8]   When taken together, the benefits of taking these nutrients may be synergistic in supporting the fight against this virus. Nutrient levels suggested compliments of Dr. Paul Anderson, ND[9]

  • Zinc has been shown to reduce viral replication, inhibit the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) which is responsible for viral entry into cells, and improve tissue integrity to reduce viral spread to other tissues. Doses suggested: 30—50 mg twice daily. If taken long term, copper should added at a ratio of 1 mg copper for every 15 mg of Zinc.  
  • Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin and must be taken daily to have a beneficial affect. Vitamin C is important to tissue integrity, as an antioxidant protecting cells from free radicals generated from infection and toxins, helps to reduce the severity of pneumonia, and reduces the inflammatory molecules (cytokines) that lead to the severe inflammatory storms associated with Covid-19.  Since Vitamin C taken orally can cause diarrhea, the dose is dependent on what you can tolerate. Start with 1,000 mg and work up to a dose that does not cause diarrhea. Take in divided doses throughout the day. Increased doses will be needed during active infections.
  • Vitamin D’s role in the immune system is as a fat-soluble hormone. This hormone has receptors on all immune cells and may reduce inflammatory storms by modulating cytokines.  It also has receptors on lung cells and help improve an antiviral response. Like Vitamin C and Zinc, Vitamin D plays a role in maintaining good tissue barrier function, reducing the migration of unwanted pathogens. A simple blood test helps inform you of your Vitamin D levels. A loading dose of 25,000-50,000 IU for several days can be helpful if you don’t know your blood levels. Follow this by 1,000-5,000 IU daily.

Other nutrients important to the immune system includi Vitamin A, B vitamins, and magnesium.[10]

Additional nutrients may be helpful to reduce inflammation, support the mitochondria, reduce blood-brain-barrier leakage, and provide neurological protection.

  • Natural anti-inflammatories such as fish oil or vegetarian algae oil.
  • Curcumin
  • Quercitin
  • Co-Q 10
  • N-acetyl cysteine
  • B vitamins, most importantly Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B6.
  • Phytocannabinoids such as Cannabidiol (CBD) or cannabigerol (CBG).

Avoid toxins. Avoid common toxins. A simple guide can be found HERE to reduce your daily exposure. Choosing hand sanitizer without fragrance is equally important.

Avoid Molds. If you have any mold exposure, please seek guidance for cleaning up the mold safely and to check if you have any levels of mycotoxins.  If you have current mold growth in your home, please seek an experienced building biologist or certified mold evaluator for evaluation. Even if you feel OK, exposure to Covid-19 when you have an underlying or new infection can trigger a significant inflammatory response.

Hyperbaric oxygen may be helpful for more severe CCS patients.[11]

To address Chronic Covid Syndrome, it is important to treat each patient as an individual. The reason for this is that each patient has unique genetics, different underlying chronic medical conditions, varying toxin body burden levels from mold, toxic metals, or other co-infections. Each of these issues need to be addressed. Dr. Sara Rodgers, NMD is trained to manage chronic disease, including immune imbalance, mold infections, toxic metal evaluation/reduction, gastrointestinal imbalances, hormone imbalances, and more. If a naturopathic physician is not available in your area, look for a functional medicine provider who works with chronically ill patients.  


[2] Lambert, N. J. & Survivor Corps.  COVID-19 “Long Hauler” Symptoms Survey Report.  Indiana University School of Medicine; 2020.

Carfi A et al. Persistent Symptoms in Patients After Acute COVID-19. JAMA. 2020 Aug 11;324(6):603-605.  doi: 10.1001/jama.2020.12603.

[3] Baig, AM.  Deleterious Outcomes in Long-Hauler COVID-19: The Effects of SARS-CoV-2 on the CNS in Chronic COVID Syndrome.  ACS Chem Neurosci.  2020 Dec. 16;11(24):4017-4020.

[4] Proal,A and Marshall T. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in the Era of the Human Microbiome: Persistent Pathogens Drive Chronic Symptoms by Interfering With Host Metabolism, Gene Expression, and Immunity. Front. Pediatr., 04 December 2018

[5] Kritas s et al. Impact of mold on mast cell-cytokine immune response. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents . Jul-Aug 2018;32(4):763-768.

[6] Zhihua Lv et al. Clinical characteristics and co-infections of 354 hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Wuhan, China: a retrospective cohort study. Microbes and Infection 22 (2020) 195e199. DOI: 10.1016/j.micinf.2020.05.007

[7] Chen, Lancet. Volume 395, Issue 10223, 15–21 February 2020, Pages 507-513.

[8] Name, JJ. et al. Zinc, Vitamin D and Vitamin C: Perspectives for COVID-19 With a Focus on Physical Tissue Barrier Integrity. Front. Nutr., 07 December 2020.


[10] Gombart AF, Pierre A, Maggini S. A review of micronutrients and the immune system-working in harmony to reduce the risk of infection. Nutrients. (2020) 12:236.

[11] Kjellberg A et al. Can hyperbaric oxygen safely serve as an anti-inflammatory treatment for COVID-19?  Medical Hypotheses  Volume 144, November 2020, 110224.

Are You Viral Sharing?

June 30, 2020

Since Idaho moved into Stage 4 of economic re-opening, there has been a resurgence of Covid-19 viral cases in both Idaho and Eastern Oregon. Even in rural Malheur county, the virus is spreading more rapidly, tripling case numbers in the last 15 days. See HERE to look at Idaho viral counts (look for Covid-19 demographics Tab).

In Idaho, the 18-29 year old age group is experiencing the greatest number of cases.

The spread in this age level may be due to a perception that young people are not at risk for serious consequences of getting ill. Unfortunately, this is not always true and the risk to others is significant due to an average 20-day viral shedding period. One infected person, with or without symptoms, can infect numerous other people, who then go on to infect others. As shown below, older persons are paying for this infection with their lives.

Covid-19 Idaho deaths by age June 29, 2020!/vizhome/DPHIdahoCOVID-19Dashboard_V2/Story1

Death rates are not currently rising, but I suspect that these numbers will climb once the virus has longer to damage infected lungs 2-4 weeks after initial infection. For survivors, detrimental effects due to a powerful lung infection may be long term.

The politicalization of common sense prevention measures may be providing an avenue for the virus to spread. The virus is highly contagious and is easily spread when given the opportunity. I encourage everyone to practice safe measures of social distancing and face coverings in public in order to reduce the risk of getting ill.

Covid-19 is not like other flu virus. Covid-19 is dangerous, not pleasant, and expensive if hospitalized.

Sharing is usually a fun activity. In the case of Covid-19, sharing is not recommended.

Be Safe at Work: Consider an Air Purifier

It is theorized that Covid-19 viral spread on cruise boats occurred thru air ducts, rather than direct person-to-person contact. Air purifiers designed to catch viral particles may be a prudent addition to workspaces.

Choosing the right type of purifier is important. Filtration size matters.

The Covid-19 virus is 0.12 microns in size.  

HEPA (High Efficiency Particle Air) purifiers are designed to capture 99.97% of 0.3 micron diameter particulates. Although 0.3 microns is larger than 0.12 microns, a NASA article indicates that they are probably helpful for particles much smaller in size, especially when combined with a granular material such as activated carbon. (For people who like reading technical articles, Click HERE to read NASA’s article).

ULPA (Ultra Low Particulate Air) purifiers are designed to capture 99.99% of 0.1 micron diameter particulates. These purifiers may be marketed as Ultra HEPA or Hyper HEPA. Since 0.1 microns is smaller than 0.12, these purifiers are designed to capture viruses.

There are numerous products on the market. Dr. Rodgers is not affiliated with any air purification company, but here are two ULPA product lines to help you begin your search.
IQAir captures down to 0.003 microns. Click HERE to learn more.
Intellipure captures down to 0.007 micron particles. Click HERE to learn more.

Avoid purifiers that dispense ozone or ions into the air without any physical filters.
These machines make dust heavier, thus moving dust from the air column to your floor or counter tops. They don’t actually remove anything from the environment. Additionally, ozone is a respiratory irritant and environmental pollutant causing damage to indoor plants.